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SCHMINCKE “NORMA Blue” water-mixable oil, vegan – 35ml


  • The colors can be used pure, simply diluted with water.
  • The brushes, spatulas, and palettes can be cleaned with water and a little soap (NORMA BLUE cleaning soap for brushes).
  • Can be combined and also mixed with all classic oil colors.
  • Odourless.
  • Without any solvents.

Cadmium Orange Hue, Indigo, Lemon Yellow, Magenta, Olive Green, Payne's Grey, Phthalo Blue, Phthalo Green, Prussian Blue, Sap Green, Titanium White, Ultramarine Blue Light, Vandyke Brown, Yellow Ochre, alizarine crimson hue, azure blue, burnt ochre light, cadmium red hue deep, cadmium red hue light, cadmium red hue medium, cadmium yellow hue deep, cadmium yellow hue lemon, cadmium yellow hue light, cadmium yellow hue medium, cerulean blue, chromium oxide green brilliant, classic gold, cobalt blue hue deep, cobalt turquoise hue, Indian yellow, madder red, mineral black, mixing white, Naples yellow light, natural burnt Sienna, natural burnt umber, natural green earth, natural light ochre, natural umber, neutral black, permanent green, permanent yellowish-green, poppy red, royal blue, ruby red, ultramarine blue deep, vermilion light, violet dark


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